How many of us need to lose the largest number of kilograms in the shortest possible time .. you the perfect way through diet of dates and milk Our story today begins with a diet of dates and milk and is a new type of diet which are classified in the name of emergency diet, and that meant that food systems that are used in order to lose weight quickly for some reason in the short term.

- The working methods of dates and milk diet:
The diet of dates and milk diet strict compared to other systems, such as diet or yogurt diet with cinnamon.
And due to the fact that the diet of dates and milk component of the 3 meals daily containing identical:
1) 5-7 dates.
2) a cup of milk or yogurt - skimmed.
This system works on the body's loss to the amount of up to 5 kilometers in one week if the regularity it without the use of any other cuisine.
- Everything about the mechanism diet of dates and milk in rapid slimming:
Dates and milk diet works on rapid slimming through a strict diet low calorie, where we note the following:
- Dates of calories per meal is approximately equal to 250 calories.
- Calories a cup of skimmed milk is approximately equal to 100 calories.
- Total calories in one meal per day is about 350 calories.
- Total calories per day around 1000 calories.
This regards the special daily calorie input.
On the other hand, the rights of the average daily needs are within the limits of:
- A person of low activity daily calorie needs in the range of 1900 - 2100 kcal.
- The average adult needs activity calories daily in the range of 2200 - 2400 kcal.
- A person of high activity (regular practitioner gymnastics) needs calories daily in the range of 3000 kcal.
- Is the diet of dates and milk decreases 7 kg within 10 days?
Thus, we find that the difference between calorie diet provided by the system, which dates and milk and between human needs at the very least up to 1000 calories a minus, and these calories are compensated through a portion of the burning of fat stored in the human body.
But does this system healthy and beneficial in the long term? This is what we will know the truth in the following lines ...
- Damages diet of dates and milk:
1 - followers of dates and milk diet reduce their fluid intake in order not to gain weight of water in the body; resulting in the occurrence of drought in the body.
2 - dates diet very low in milk protein content, which reflects negatively on the health of the muscles.
3 - a diet of dates and milk low in vitamin E content, which is reflected in the deterioration of the freshness of the skin and skin.
4 - a diet of dates and milk low in vitamin C content, which is reflected in the deterioration of the efficiency of many of the body's natural biological mechanisms such as HIV.
5 - low content of mineral salts adversely affect the balance of salts in the body.
6 - the general lack of protein and vitamins ratios affect the mental competence of a person.
7 - the vast difference between calories available through diet and milk and dates between calories required for the body leads to a feeling of constant fatigue and inability to work efficiently and productivity.
- A warning to followers of dates and milk diet:
There are some people who follow the diet of dates and milk in good faith to reach a healthy weight, but they lack the know that access to healthy weight is not through diet is not balanced in vitamins and minerals supply, and the slimming plan that does not contain calisthenics regular program is a palace on the sand.
And the warning for these people is that the diet of dates and milk will not help you lose weight in the long term for two reasons:
1 - the harsh nature of your dates and milk diet does not allow for attendance by more than a week and the diet only occurred dangerous complications for the body.
2 - then once you stop the diet of dates and milk body to gain back the lost weight at the same speed.
- Is the diet helps dates and milk to lose weight easily?
Simply answer this question consists of three axes:
1 - in the short term, yes .. diet will help you dates and milk to lose weight quickly if Antzamk him for a week.
2 - in the long term, not .. will not help you diet of dates and milk to low access to healthy weight over the long term.
3 - from a health standpoint .. diet of dates and milk does not help you in general terms cause depriving your body of many vitamins and minerals and the important functions of the body's proteins and authenticity.
- Diet dates and milk km down?
On average can help the exact regularity on a diet of dates and milk on the amount of loss ranging from 2-4 kg per week.
But this varies from person to person according to the following factors:
- Regularity on the program and not to introduce any other foods accuracy.
- The level of physical activity and the person exercising the sport rate.
- The general health status of the person.
- Length of time to follow the diet of dates and milk.
- Important information about the diet of dates and milk:
1 - a diet of dates and milk diet is not recommended for emergency using it for more than just one week.
2 - a diet of dates and milk will not help you lose weight steadily over the long term.
3 - a diet of dates and milk is prohibited in persons with chronic health problems in the liver or kidney.
4 - a diet of dates and milk are prohibited in people with diabetes.
5 - a diet of dates and milk are prohibited in age from young teenagers and young people to passing a critical growth stages and they need extreme of vitamins and protein on a daily basis.

- The working methods of dates and milk diet:
The diet of dates and milk diet strict compared to other systems, such as diet or yogurt diet with cinnamon.
And due to the fact that the diet of dates and milk component of the 3 meals daily containing identical:
1) 5-7 dates.
2) a cup of milk or yogurt - skimmed.
This system works on the body's loss to the amount of up to 5 kilometers in one week if the regularity it without the use of any other cuisine.
- Everything about the mechanism diet of dates and milk in rapid slimming:
Dates and milk diet works on rapid slimming through a strict diet low calorie, where we note the following:
- Dates of calories per meal is approximately equal to 250 calories.
- Calories a cup of skimmed milk is approximately equal to 100 calories.
- Total calories in one meal per day is about 350 calories.
- Total calories per day around 1000 calories.
This regards the special daily calorie input.
On the other hand, the rights of the average daily needs are within the limits of:
- A person of low activity daily calorie needs in the range of 1900 - 2100 kcal.
- The average adult needs activity calories daily in the range of 2200 - 2400 kcal.
- A person of high activity (regular practitioner gymnastics) needs calories daily in the range of 3000 kcal.
- Is the diet of dates and milk decreases 7 kg within 10 days?
Thus, we find that the difference between calorie diet provided by the system, which dates and milk and between human needs at the very least up to 1000 calories a minus, and these calories are compensated through a portion of the burning of fat stored in the human body.
But does this system healthy and beneficial in the long term? This is what we will know the truth in the following lines ...
- Damages diet of dates and milk:
1 - followers of dates and milk diet reduce their fluid intake in order not to gain weight of water in the body; resulting in the occurrence of drought in the body.
2 - dates diet very low in milk protein content, which reflects negatively on the health of the muscles.
3 - a diet of dates and milk low in vitamin E content, which is reflected in the deterioration of the freshness of the skin and skin.
4 - a diet of dates and milk low in vitamin C content, which is reflected in the deterioration of the efficiency of many of the body's natural biological mechanisms such as HIV.
5 - low content of mineral salts adversely affect the balance of salts in the body.
6 - the general lack of protein and vitamins ratios affect the mental competence of a person.
7 - the vast difference between calories available through diet and milk and dates between calories required for the body leads to a feeling of constant fatigue and inability to work efficiently and productivity.
- A warning to followers of dates and milk diet:
There are some people who follow the diet of dates and milk in good faith to reach a healthy weight, but they lack the know that access to healthy weight is not through diet is not balanced in vitamins and minerals supply, and the slimming plan that does not contain calisthenics regular program is a palace on the sand.
And the warning for these people is that the diet of dates and milk will not help you lose weight in the long term for two reasons:
1 - the harsh nature of your dates and milk diet does not allow for attendance by more than a week and the diet only occurred dangerous complications for the body.
2 - then once you stop the diet of dates and milk body to gain back the lost weight at the same speed.
- Is the diet helps dates and milk to lose weight easily?
Simply answer this question consists of three axes:
1 - in the short term, yes .. diet will help you dates and milk to lose weight quickly if Antzamk him for a week.
2 - in the long term, not .. will not help you diet of dates and milk to low access to healthy weight over the long term.
3 - from a health standpoint .. diet of dates and milk does not help you in general terms cause depriving your body of many vitamins and minerals and the important functions of the body's proteins and authenticity.
- Diet dates and milk km down?
On average can help the exact regularity on a diet of dates and milk on the amount of loss ranging from 2-4 kg per week.
But this varies from person to person according to the following factors:
- Regularity on the program and not to introduce any other foods accuracy.
- The level of physical activity and the person exercising the sport rate.
- The general health status of the person.
- Length of time to follow the diet of dates and milk.
- Important information about the diet of dates and milk:
1 - a diet of dates and milk diet is not recommended for emergency using it for more than just one week.
2 - a diet of dates and milk will not help you lose weight steadily over the long term.
3 - a diet of dates and milk is prohibited in persons with chronic health problems in the liver or kidney.
4 - a diet of dates and milk are prohibited in people with diabetes.
5 - a diet of dates and milk are prohibited in age from young teenagers and young people to passing a critical growth stages and they need extreme of vitamins and protein on a daily basis.
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Thanks again
Nice information shared
ReplyI was wondering if it is really possible to lose in a week but now I started believing after reading your post and watching a video on Youtube about How to Reduce weight in a week. Thanks for sharing this I am starting weight loss practice.
ReplyWhat I will say is that I have had some bad days. Days where I haven't even counted the "syns" I've eaten as it's so high. reference
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