Welcome. Today Dear visitors and followers, you will learn how to eat healthy. And to be if you do, you will lose weight and you have to be a fitness and be in good health without counting calories and feel better every single day.
Given that healthy eating protect you from serious diseases such as obesity, diabetes type II, heart disease, and other diseases caused by unhealthy eating and this advice may save your life. Literally.

I do not prefer to put a sign on the food my advice. It is based on scientific research only, not morality, religion or preconceived notion of what should be a healthy diet like.
But if you want to call it, call it a "low-carb, real food" diet based (LCRF).

Given that healthy eating protect you from serious diseases such as obesity, diabetes type II, heart disease, and other diseases caused by unhealthy eating and this advice may save your life. Literally.

I do not prefer to put a sign on the food my advice. It is based on scientific research only, not morality, religion or preconceived notion of what should be a healthy diet like.
But if you want to call it, call it a "low-carb, real food" diet based (LCRF).

What does "low-carb, real food" mean?
Allow me to introduce you to a little bit of terminology.
A low-carbohydrate diet reduces the sugars and starches, and replacing them with foods rich in protein and healthy fats.
"Real food" means choosing healthy foods that come from nature that humans had access to all parts of the development. The move away from the manufacturers, and food is a natural with synthetic chemicals.
LCRF is not a "diet". It is a way to eat, and lifestyle changes based on the bulletproof scientific evidence.
It is a link to eat foods that emphasize humans evolved to eat for tens of thousands of years before the agricultural and industrial revolutions.
This type of diet to work better than a low-fat is the recommended diet worldwide.
Learn what not to eat (foods that can make you sick and fat)
You should avoid these foods, which I will present to you as if your life depended on it (it does).
Fast food
- Sugar: added sugar is addictive, very fattening and the majority says that the main reason for diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and blood vessels.
- Grains: Please avoid the grain if you need to lose weight, including the avoidance of bread and pasta. Gluten grains (wheat, barley, and received rye) is the worst. Healthy cereals such as rice, oats is fine if you do not want to lose weight.
- Seed- vegetable oils: soybean oil and corn oil and many other oils. These fats are processed with a high amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which are harmful in excess.
- Unsaturated fats: chemically modified fats that are very bad for the health. It is found in some processed foods.
- Artificial sweeteners: Being a calorie free, observational studies have proven the existence of a broad correlation with obesity and related diseases. If you must use sweeteners, Stevia choose.
- "Diet" and "low-fat" products: the majority of these "health food" never not healthy at all. They are similar to be highly processed and loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Agave syrup is just as bad as sugar.
- Highly processed foods: These foods are also high, which is processed normally low in nutrients and high in chemicals unhealthy and unnatural to the piece do not recommend them.
You should read the ingredient lists. You will be surprised at the amount of "health food" that can contain sugar, wheat and other bad ingredients.
How to eat healthy (foods that make you feel you are in good health and happy)
You should eat natural because it is useful, and unprocessed foods that humans are genetically adapted to eat. Research and studies show that such foods are great for health.
For healthy people who exercise and do not need to lose weight and are in good health, there is not any reason to avoid certain tubers such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., or non-gluten grains such as oats and rice Health.
If you are overweight or have metabolic problems Recommend (low HDL, and high cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, abdominal fat, etc.), you must restrict ALL foods high in carbohydrates (25.26).
Have been eating beef, lamb, pork, chicken, meat etc. humans for tens of thousands of years: the meat. Unprocessed meat is very good for you but, especially if you eat the animals natural foods (such as beef from cows that feed on grass). And avoid pork, the research proved that he is healthy.
Fish: especially large fish. Very healthy, fulfilling and rich in omega-3 and other nutrients fatty acids. And I advise you to eat fish (fatty fish such as salmon, preferably) each week.
Eggs: Eggs are among the most nutritious foods and health on this planet. Especially egg yolk is the most nutritious and healthiest segment. Omega-3 eggs are best.
Vegetables should eat vegetables every day. Contain fiber and many nutrients that are essential to the human body, and that will make you in good health.
Fruit: Increase variety, taste good and very useful, easy to prepare and are rich in fiber and vitamin C. But they are still very high in sugar, so you should eat in moderation if you need to lose weight.
Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc. rich in various nutrients, are beneficial to the human body but they are very high in calories. Eat in moderation to be the center does not abound them if you need to lose weight.
Potatoes: root vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes in good health, and in spite of the piece is still high in carbohydrates. Should eat in moderation if you need to lose weight.
High-fat dairy: cheese, cream, butter and full-fat milk, etc. Needless to health-fat, calcium, you should eat every day, including, but. Will milk from cows fed on grass are rich in vitamin K2, which is very important for health and recommend it.
Fats and oils: olive oil, butter, lard avoid, etc .. choose saturated fat for high temperature cooking such as frying pan, they are more stable in the heat.
What to drink? Many drinks but
Cup of coffee makes you feel happy, but, let me put you out
Coffee: Coffee is really healthy but are very rich in antioxidants, and I would advise them to drink little and not too much, but for people who are sensitive to caffeine and should avoid it. Avoid coffee late in the day because it can ruin your sleep.
Tea: Tea is healthy and beneficial drinks a month all over the world, rich in antioxidants and contains caffeine and but much less than coffee.
Water: Without water corruptible life, you should drink water throughout the day and on a regular basis, especially about sports exercises. There is no reason to drink a whole ton in spite of thirst is a very reliable indicator of your need.
Carbonated soda without artificial sweeteners are fine.
Avoid soft drinks and try to reduce them, and also avoid artificial sweeteners, fruit juice, milk and beer. Avoid beer to be harmful to health.
A simple rule: Do not drink calories.
Consume in moderation
This can enjoy indulging from time to time.
Dark chocolate: Choose organic chocolate with 70% cocoa or more, they modulate mood and make you feel happy. Dark chocolate is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants. But Aloatdl in eating is important.
How many carbs per day? Carefully read this part is very useful
Many fruits and Vegetables This vary between individuals. Know how the piece?
The majority of people feel better carbohydrate intake very few (less than 50 grams) and others eat as much as 150 grams, which is still "low-carb." Allow me to explain to you the piece
You can use these numbers as a guideline for you:
- 10-20 grams per day: very low not help, avoid eating any carbohydrates except for low-carbohydrate vegetables. Appropriate if you have a lot of weight to lose and or if you have diabetes and / or metabolic syndrome.
- 20-50 grams per day: Yes, if you need to lose weight quickly. You can eat quite a bit of vegetables and sure to eat one piece of fruit a day.
- 50-150 grams per day: this is difficult at first but if you want to achieve this optimal health and reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases. There is room for many of fruit a day, and little health starches such as potatoes and rice.
When carbohydrates cut of less than 50 grams per day, you can not eat any sugar, bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes and a maximum of fruit a day. You will notice the difference
Warning for diabetics: Carbohydrates are split in the diet down to glucose in the digestive system, then they enter the body and sugar in the blood. If you eat less carbohydrates, you'll need less insulin and glucose-lowering drugs.
It's too dangerous in case of low blood sugar below a certain level (hypoglycemia). If you have diabetes, consult with your doctor before reducing carbohydrate intake.
A woman who has lost weight
Why does it work?
Humans evolved to fishermen and hundreds of thousands of years.
Our diet has changed a lot in the agricultural revolution, about 10,000 years ago.
Although, this change to who got is a small compared with the massive shift we've seen in the past few decades with modern food processing, and so on.
It is apparent now, that human beings today and eat a diet that is very different from the diet of our ancestors flourished throughout evolution.
There are many people "primitive" all over the world that are still living as fishermen, eat natural foods. These people are lean, in excellent health and diseases that kill most of the western population by millions rare or non-existent.
Research and studies show that when people eat natural foods that were available to the primitive ancestors (also known as the Paleolithic diet), they lose weight and see dramatic improvements in health.
The actual Hormone Insulin
The hormone insulin is well known for its part of moving glucose in the blood and straight into cells. A lack in insulin, or perhaps resistance to the effects, causes diabetes.
But insulin also offers other roles systems. Insulin tells fat cells to generate fat and to avoid breaking down the fat which they carry. When insulin levels are high, the body chooses not to dip in the fat stores to offer energy.
On a new western, high-carb diet regime, insulin levels are high at all times, keeping the body fat safely “locked” away within the fat cells.
Carbs are the main driver connected with insulin secretion. A decreased carb diet lessens and balances blood glucose and therefore lessens insulin levels (32, 33, 34).
When insulin decreases, the body can easily access the calories stored within the fat cells, but usually it takes a few days to adjust to burning fat instead of carbs (35, 36).
Low carbohydrate diets have become satiating. Appetite decreases and people learn to automatically eat less calories than that they burn, which causes weight reduction (37).
The main selling point of a low-carb diet is that you can eat until fullness and lose fat without counting unhealthy calories. Eat low-carb and also you avoid the worst side effect of calorie limited diets: hunger.
Health benefits of a Small Carb Diet
It's a common misunderstanding, even among health care professionals, that low-carb diets are somehow harmful to health. People who help to make such claims definitely haven’t bothered to look at the research.
Their main controversy is that low-carb diets are bad because they’re an excellent source of saturated fat, which raises cholesterol and causes cardiovascular disease.
But recent research suggests there is nothing to be worried about. Saturated fats raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and also change the “bad” cholesterol through small, dense LDL (very bad) for you to large LDL and that is benign (38, 39, forty five, 41).
The in order to that saturated fat will not cause heart sickness. This is merely a myth that hasn't been proven (42, 43, 44).
Low-carb diets actually bring about more weight loss and additional improvements in risk factors when compared to a low-fat diet regime (45, 46).
Body Weight: A low-carb diet regime, eaten until volume, usually causes more weight loss than a low-fat diet that may be calorie restricted (47, twenty four, 49).
Blood Glucose: One of the particular hallmarks of diabetes along with the metabolic syndrome is definitely an elevated blood sugars, which is extremely harmful over over time. Low-carb diets lower blood glucose (50, 51, fladsk�rm, 53, 54).
Our blood Pressure: If blood vessels pressure is high, it tends to travel down on a new low-carb diet (55, 56, 57).
Substantial Triglycerides: These are fatty acids that circulate around within the blood and can be a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Low-carb diets lower triglycerides a lot more than low-fat diets (58, 59, 60).
HDL (the good) Cholesterol: Generally, having more of the “good” cholesterol means you have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Low-carb diets raise HDL cholesterol a lot more than low-fat diets (61, 62).
sdLDL (the bad) Cholesterol: Low-carb diets result in LDL cholesterol to alter from small, dense LDL (bad) for you to large LDL, and that is benign (63, 64).
Easier: Low-carb diets seem to be easier to remain faithful to than low-fat diets, probably because it isn’t necessary to count calories and be hungry, which is probably the worst side effect of dieting (65, 37).
The statements above are been shown to be true in randomized governed trials – research that are the particular gold standard connected with research.
Yes… it truly is scientifically proven a low-carb, real-food based diet causes More importance loss and improves health More than the diet that will nutritionists and dietitians all over the world recommend.
Common Low-Carb Side Effects in the beginning
When carbs within the diet are replaced with protein and also fat, several things ought to happen for our bodies to efficiently utilize fat as fuel.
There will always be major changes in hormones along with the body needs for you to ramp up generation of enzymes to get started burning primarily fat instead of carbs. This can last for some days and full adaptation normally takes weeks.
Common uncomfortable side effects in the first week include:
- Headache
- Experiencing Lightheaded
- Tiredness
- Frustration
- Constipation
Side effects are usually mild and nothing to be worried about. Your body may be burning mostly carbs for decades, it takes time to adapt to using fat because primary fuel supply.
This is known as the “low carb flu” and really should be over within just 3-4 days.
On the low-carb diet, it is vital to eat enough fat. Fat could be the new source of fuel to your body. If consumed low-carb AND low-fat, then you’re about to feel bad and abandon the whole thing.
Another important thing to be aware of is that insulin tends to make the kidneys keep hold of sodium. When consumed less carbs, the particular kidneys release sodium. This is on the list of reasons people lose a great deal bloat and water weight within the first few days and nights.
To counteract this lack of sodium you can add more salt to your food or beverage a cup of broth every day. A bouillon cube dissolved inside a cup of trouble contains 2 gr of sodium.
Many people say they feel better than ever on a new low-carb diet, if the initial adaptation period ends.
If you don’t experience good, adding more body fat and sodium should handle it.
A Meal Plan That can Save Your Living
This is an example meal plan for one week that supplies below 50 grams of carbs on a daily basis.
Woman Looking Within a Refridgerator
Day 1 – Mon:
- Breakfast: Omelet having various vegetables, deep-fried in butter or perhaps coconut oil.
- Meal: Grass-fed yogurt having blueberries and a handful of almonds.
- Dinner: Hamburger (no bun), supported with vegetables and also salsa sauce.
Morning 2 – Tuesday:
- Breakfast: Bacon and also eggs.
- Lunch: Leftover burgers and veggies in the night before.
- An evening meal: Boiled Salmon having butter and vegetables.
Day 3 – Saturday:
- Breakfast: Eggs and also vegetables, fried throughout butter or coconut gas.
- Lunch: Shrimp salad with some extra virgin olive oil.
- Dinner: Grilled fowl with vegetables.
Morning 4 – Thurs .:
- Breakfast: Omelet having various vegetables, deep-fried in butter or perhaps coconut oil.
- Meal: Smoothie with coconut whole milk, berries, almonds and also protein powder.
- An evening meal: Steak and veggies.
Day 5 – Comes to an end:
- Breakfast: Bacon and also Eggs.
- Lunch: Chicken salad with some extra virgin olive oil.
- Dinner: Pork chops having vegetables.
Day 6 – Saturday:
- Breakfast: Omelet having various veggies.
- Meal: Grass-fed yogurt having berries, coconut flakes and a handful of walnuts.
- Dinner: Meatballs having vegetables.
Day 7 – Saturday:
- Breakfast: Bacon and also Eggs.
- Lunch: Healthy smoothie with coconut whole milk, a bit connected with heavy cream, chocolate-flavoured proteins powder and berries.
- Dinner: Grilled chicken wings having some raw spinach on the side.
Do your far better to include a variety of vegetables in what you eat. If you would like to stay below 50g connected with carbs per day you may safely have one section of fruit or some berries every day.
Organic and grass-fed meals are best, but only if you possibly could easily afford these. Just make an attempt to always pick the least processed option as part of your price range.
How about Snacks?
There is absolutely no scientific evidence that you simply eat more in comparison with 3 meals on a daily basis. If you do get hungry in between meals, here can be a few ideas for snacks which have been healthy, easily easily transportable and taste very good.
- Full-fat Yogurt
- A sheet of Fruit
- Baby Carrots
- Hard-Boiled Eggs
- A handful of Nuts
- Leftovers
- Many Cheese and Meats
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