What distinguishes Dr. Fadi diet for many systems and various diet programs is that what is happening which is a real lack of weight, where the decrease in body weight of fat, so it is not easy to configure again. And it allows a person Dieter increase opportunities not be fat again, so keep a person without an increase in weight for a long time, it will never happen as long as the person maintains a healthy diet low in fat and reduced consumption of sugars and food rich in calories.

Says Dr. Fadi regarding diet that despite the significant shortage in weight dieter but that does not affect the overall health of the individual, as long as the person is taken to address the Diet meals in the diet without modifying or deleting.
The good thing also in the system of Diet Dr. Fadi it is fit for all ages, of both sexes, as long as the person Dieter does not suffer from a specific problem prevented him from following the diets, and therefore stress in the Journal of slimming rapid Ali utmost importance to consult a specialist doctor or a nutritionist to make sure the appropriate diet for us or not. Has been designed for many systems and diet programs to suit every person who wants to lose weight.
The goal of the system behind the diet, according to Dr. Fadi into the stomach to decrease gradually as if the person has conducted an operation to connect the stomach and narrowed to find the same person after the completion of the diet up to the stage of satiety quickly. And then facilitate the process of diet more healthy after the completion of the diet and the possibility of facilitating the stability of weight at this point in order to avoid the return of the weight of the new.
And now offer you a program of Dr. Fadi Diet full fleet of four weeks, which is as follows:
(Diet the first week of Dr. Fadi)
First: Breakfast.
In the first week of Diet Dr. Fadi breakfast constant, namely:
2 hard-boiled egg + pill option + Mortadella as desired.
Secondly, lunch and dinner.
The first day
Green salad. Without any addition or tomato Islands, and the fact that the islands rich in calories and the fact that tomatoes are rich in salt.
Slice (piece) Beef Steak grilled without salt + yogurt tray.
The second day
Poached chicken or roast as desired + Tray yogurt plus a teaspoon of crushed flaxseed.
2 hard-boiled egg + salads consisted of lettuce, cucumber, green pepper, parsley and cabbage.
Third Day
A piece of cottage cheese, or any cheese, skimmed by 80 grams.
Issued hen (pullet) poached or broiled or grilled minced meat or as desired.
The fourth day
Kiwi TWO pills or at most, preferably one pill.
A can of tuna without oil or refinery + Tray yogurt with a teaspoon of crushed flaxseed.
The fifth day
Boiled vegetables without salt or minimal possible amount. (Please restriction)
Pack tuna in water or refinery of oil or grilled fish or shrimps + green salad + a glass of milk, preferably Chapter sufficient time between milk and fish or replace fish any alternative vegetable protein milk or juice
pineapple or kiwi Ali to be completed by eating food before 3 hours of sleep and do not mind a drink of water.
pineapple or kiwi Ali to be completed by eating food before 3 hours of sleep and do not mind a drink of water.
The sixth day
Boiled beef + salad with one tablespoon of milled flaxseed.
Shawarma dish without bread or any kind of living.
Seventh Day
Poached chicken + salad vegetables + cup milk.
3 sliced Beef Martadela + cup milk.
After the end of the first week should take a rest day (free day), but with caution and not as it was before entering the Diet Dr. Fadi.
(Diet second week of Dr. Fadi)
The first day
Two pieces of low-fat cheese + slice mozzarella beef by 35 grams.
A quarter kilo grills + small green salad.
Arabic Shawarma platter live without (bread) or boiled egg Slqa well.
The second day
Piece of cheese, low-fat and should preferably be free fat + boiled egg.
Issued poached or grilled chicken as desired + half cup milk.
Mandela slices beef + the amount of brick tablespoons fat-free or low.
Third Day
A piece of cheese, skim + slice mozzarella beef.
Issued poached chicken or roast amount of 200 grams or skin condition disarmament same amount of boiled or grilled chicken without skin or boiled vegetables consisting of zucchini, cabbage and broccoli with gravy.
Boiled egg + slice mozzarella.
The fourth day
Piece of cheese or fat-free amount to two tablespoons Penh Lite.
Grilled fish or poached as desired.
The amount of 200 grams of liver grilled + half cup milk.
The fifth day
A small piece of cheese or skim + boiled egg.
Issued poached or grilled chicken as desired + small dish of green power.
A can of tuna without oil or refinery.
The sixth day
2 small pieces of cheese or skim.
Grill + a small dish of power.
Slice beef mortadella + tablespoons brick Lite.
Seventh Day
2 hard-boiled egg + a piece of cheese or low-fat free.
Spinach or zucchini or eggplant condition by the desire to be boiled and cooked with broth and seasonings as desired.
Slice Beef Mortadella + tablespoons brick Lite.
After the end of the second week of Diet Dr. Fadi must be the eighth day, the day of rest, but with caution.
(Diet third week of Dr. Fadi)
Was the unification of all meals during the seven days that include two each meal can check them every day to not feel bored and program of the week as follows:
Boiled egg + piece low-fat cheese by 50 gm.
A quarter cup of skim milk + grain Kiwi one.
The amount of 400 grams of grills + dish consisting of boiled vegetables cold peppers, cauliflower, cabbage and zucchini.
Released chicken grilled fillet + box skimmed yogurt or half a cup of milk.
2 Slice Mozzarella Beef + pieces of low-fat cheese by 50 gm.
Refinery or a can of tuna without oil and without salt with a slice of lemon + green salad consists of watercress, cucumber, parsley, cabbage, peppers cold without adding salt or oil.
After the end of the third week of the diet must be taken on the eighth day as a day free, but with caution.
(Diet fourth week of Dr. Fadi)
The first day
Boiled egg + sliver skimmed.
Piece (slice) Steak roast beef without the fat + dish or a large green salad Tabbouleh without adding oil or salt.
A can of tuna with a small pinch of salt and half a lemon juice + a glass of orange juice or grapefruit juice without added sugar.
The second day
Half a cup of milk (milk) skimmed + green apples.
Grilled chicken breast + Tabbouleh without salt and oil or green salad.
Orange + a glass of fresh orange juice with no added sugar.
Third Day
Boiled egg + pill Islands.
Grilled Fish + cup grapefruit juice without sugar.
A small dish of lentil soup.
The fourth day
Slice brown toast + cheese piece Akkaoui fat-free.
Grilled chicken + soup, boiled vegetables without broth.
Shawarma home without fat or bread.
The fifth day
Slice brown toast + boiled egg + cheese skimmed.
Grilled Beef Steak piece without FAT + Taboula without adding oil or salt or a large platter of green power.
A small can of tuna with half a lemon juice and a pinch of salt + a glass of grapefruit juice or orange without sugar.
The sixth day
Slice brown toast + sliver Akawi skimmed.
Grilled chicken + dish soup boiled vegetables without sauce.
Shawarma home without bread or fat + kiwi or orange.
Seventh Day
Half a cup of skim milk + green apples.
Grilled chicken breast + small dish Fattoush + or Tabbouleh salad vegetables without salt and oil.
Orange + cup fresh orange juice without sugar.
Thus, the program has ended Dr. Fadi Diet the full name of the famous four month diet, as it is the title of a fast-acting diet because it can detract from a person's weight about 25 kg to 30 kg in four weeks by Mejrebat.
Important notes and instructions must be taken into account before entering into the Dr. Fadi Diet:
1 stressed repeatedly and will not be tire of emphasizing the importance of addressing the water a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day through Dr. Fadi Diet or other programs and systems even without diet or follow any diet.
2 cannot be considered carbonated water or other beverages such as water and juices, and should not be eating diet drinks because most of them have different business and adversely affect any diet or dietary practice. See item on the agenda, soft drinks calories.
3 Should any willing to lose weight to increase his mobility in general, regardless of the talk about the importance of sport, it is sufficient walking for 15:30 minutes a day purpose.
4 allowed through diet drink tea, coffee and various herbs without the addition of sugar or use sugar substitutes (sugar diet - Diet) secured.
5. Allowed to eat one type of option or lettuce two hours before the main meals.
6 must be through diet and after getting used to eating slowly feeling of satiety quickly.
7 dimensions for follow through diet from eating sweets and foods rich in calories and fat, even if the diet products, most are commercial products and are not guaranteed.
8 must not enter any carbohydrates to the diet program.
9 Avoid eating salt or tomatoes because it contributes to fluid retention in the body which leads to swelling of the body, especially the face.
10. Allowed chewing gum condition through diet without sugar can be, and should not be swallowed because it works on the secretion of salivary juices that opens the appetite.
Tips and guidance, especially the second week of the diet:
1 is not allowed during the second week of Dr. Fadi Diet eat any kind of fruit or drinking the right kind of juice.
2 It is also not allowed to eat any vegetables not included in the agenda for the week.
3 when feeling very hungry can snack between meals of cheese, skim or hard-boiled eggs or tuna or beef mortadella but reasonable quantity and two hours before the main meal.
4 can be on the agenda of the second week of the diet replace fish meat or chicken by both the desire and the manner described in the table.
It can also replace Balmartdela tuna or cheese or both all the eggs as desired.
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