Are you Searching for weight loss tips to get the result that you want? take a look and discover the best weight loss tips they can help you and fit your need
Best tips to lose weight properly and in a healthy way: -
Are you looking for tips to lose weight in a healthy way? You have 30 healthy weight loss advice and useful for the body in General.
• 1: drink water when feeling hungry between meals, it would prevent indulge in gorging on food adds to the body of calories unnecessary.
• 2: not to neglect breakfast, they make a person less of starvation in the following meals.
• 3: start eating green authorities at the beginning of lunch and dinner, it fills the stomach and speed up the satiety and reduce food intake.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 4: Replace the milk and full-fat dairy products, low-fat ones give fewer calories.
• 5: stop eating once the feeling of satiety.
• 6: Replace the rapid absorption of white bread brown bread slow absorption.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 7: Non-food use of sugar in sweetening beverages, such as coffee, tea and chocolate, or work on the use of other alternatives to desalination.
• 8: Beware of soft drinks, which contain a high amount of sugar per bottle, including food where there is the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar, which gives the excess calories.
• 9: Full adoption of food as much as possible, and stay away from refined foods (refinery), which lacks many of the nutrients as a result of emergency and non-emergency transactions of the spill.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 10: the abandonment of fried foods for the benefit of boiled foods, or grilled.
• 11: use spices to perfume the food on behalf of the sauces (mayonnaise and ketchup and others)
• 12: Stay away from canned or prepared foods.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 13: not to eat the food in front of the TV, because this behavior often pays to swallow larger amounts of eating unconsciously.
• 14: chewing food well before swallowing, recklessness in eating and drinking leads to gorging on more food because the satiety center in the brain needs some time to be informed of the communications required by the digestive system.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 15: beware of soups because some of them contain fatty materials (butter, cream, oil), does not help in the success of the weight reduction program.
• 16: eat chicken without the skin, because the latter contains a lot of fatty substances.
• 17: not to exaggerate the salt spray on food, increase in salt consumption contributes to fluid retention in the body and thus to increase the weight.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 18: when you feel hungry between meals can chew celery or drinking green tea they help in burning calories.
• 19: health food restaurants in the request.
• 20: not to fill the kitchen cabinets cuisine. Especially nuts, sweets, biscuits and chocolate ... etc., so as to cut off the temptations and the possibility addressed between meals.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 21: do household chores would remove the owner thinking about eating, and thus have an incentive to lose weight.
• 22: Replace meat with fish because it contains the least amount of calories.
• 24: food shopping needs intelligently without exaggerations, and preferably has written list procurement, in order to avoid buying food than needed.
• 25: Go to the market and stomach filled, this limits the surrender to the temptation and tendency L. (Nqrchat) unnecessary.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 26: not to rush to reduce weight, because this method will make the recovery of the missing kilo grams faster than lightning.
• 27: Walking day period of not less than half an hour, because it helps in weight loss and raise the morale of the person of perseverance to slimming program.
• 28: use the stairs instead of the elevator electrical km allowed it do so, it assigns a number to burn calories.
Thirty advice to lose weight
• 29: not to use the car for short distances.
• 30: dispensing with the remote control in the ignition with the TV or change stations.
Ten Commandments healthy nutrition
1. not to overload in the eating, both in quantities or types, especially fat and carbohydrates and sugars.
2. must include our daily diet on animal protein and vegetable, where research suggests that protein foods of plant and animal-free such as meat fat, fish helps to bridge the hunger, and energy saving for longer periods than do carbohydrates, the greater the muscle tissue in the body burning grease rate increased and consequently weight loss.
3. You must include our food daily on fresh vegetables from 60-70% and fruit.
4. You must include our food on a daily yogurts.
5. Avoid fats and oils and their rich food.
6. Avoid salt-rich foods only in cases of low pressure.
7. Avoid sugar and sweets and rich with food.
8. do eating five meals instead of three meals and two meals of them are light.
9. do constantly monitor your weight at least every 15 days, and not every day.
10. that we take our food and enjoy it even a drink of water must feel it.
In addition to the previous ten commandments have you also must Do not eat food only when you feel hungry between meals Eat something few calories, such as "apple then cups of water or some leafy greens" and the feeling of hunger leads to constipation fat cells from emptying its contents and reduces the metabolism and fat burning .. So it handled something a little calories stimulates slimming.
20 tip for weight loss without effort!
Offers you a global nutrition expert "Amy Shapiro" advice on the 20 Expressway, for weight loss without diet strictly adhere.
.. Not deprivation!
Nutrition expert advises you to "Amy Shapiro" eating all the foods you love, to make the logo not to be deprived of our food favorite, but only on condition that it does not taste abound in the eating.
Eating until feeling sufficiency
Usually what you hear in etiquette lessons need to fork placed between each bite and the other, then the way to the side as a method for the bug's life for ladies to help weight loss, where to stop between bites process lets you know when you stop eating so you do not pray to the stage of complete fullness of the stomach.
Vegetables more than half!
You nutrition expert stresses the need for a dish contains a large amount of vegetables, so that not less than half of the dish, vegetables, fiber and contains a lot of water and eating does not hurt at anything.
Small size
Whatever you want to eat outside, whether coffee or a salad or dessert or a meal, I am careful to always request small size than you eat or drink.
Reduction of canned food
If you're someone who can not resist the canned foods, such as chips and candy, you eat a very small amount of them up to eat only one pill is no more.
No needless salad or soup
Try to lessen calorie intake, start by eating a salad or soup before eating the main dish on the table.
No bread for breakfast!
Stay away completely from eating bread at breakfast, where it helps you lose excess weight quickly.
Leaving a quarter of the quantity in the dish
Make sure you eat at any of the main meals in a restaurant, had to quit about a quarter of the quantity in the dish, as it is often presented in what quantity dishes are double what your body needs, of course.
Moisturizing body throughout the day
Often perplexed when we feel thirsty, where we think we need to eat, but the whole thing does not exceed that your body needs to be hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses a day, plus drops of lemon Besides the delicious flavor that you gain waterproof, will supply your body with vitamin C.
Beware of refraining from eating
Of the common mistakes I have a lot of women, they are reluctant to eat throughout the day under the pretext that they follow their diet, but with the advent of night hours are too hungrily eat food that makes them available front of them and so increase their weight.
Eating fruits while watching TV
In case you feel you are hungry and you see the TV, the date has passed the main meals, according Bring full of fruits or vegetables, or popcorn and eat, usually make you sit in front of the TV to feel hungry.
Snack before partying
Usually accompanied by concerts and weddings Banquet food, and do not even overdo eating delicacy there, eat a snack, "Snack" of food before leaving the house, such as fruit or nuts to work to fill your appetite a little.
Snack and meal in the bag
Make sure you always when you go out of the house, to take a snack, "Snack", such as fruit or nuts food with you, even if you do not feel hungry you make prey to the temptations of food in front of appetite and unhealthy.
Water instead of juice
Instead of drinking juices that contain high-calorie, Drink water to keep your body hydrated.
Body rested a bit of meat!
Give your body a little bit of comfort from eating meat on an ongoing basis, and Focus for some time in the main meals to eat fresh vegetables.
Full grain foods
It's hard to prevent yourself from eating carbohydrates at once, but the result is no good alternatives such as careful to eat bread made with full of love, it makes you feel fuller for longer and do you keep the rate of sugar in the blood, other than it contains minerals and vitamins.
The bread made from white flour transformed into sugar in the blood, and in the case of non-burned quickly, it reduces the body fat in the body.
Attendance eating breakfast daily, the body help to increase the burn rate and not eating too much at night.
Try as much as possible to make physical exertion, including at least three hours a week, whether to go for sports halls or walking to the bus stop or the subway or walk up the stairs and so simple but meaningful activities.
No meal after dinner
Natural that calories give the body's energy, so you do not need energy in order to sleep, hence Never eat food after dinner.
Control of food intake
Not even in the hyper gorging on chips or candy, put it in a container or bag in a dish even quantitative intake notes exactly.
5 Tips guaranteed to lose weight without feeling hungry
Roads and tips vary to reduce weight, but the body regain his girth Once back to eating normally. But there are five tips will help you to definitely lose weight without having to starve yourself.
Who among us does not want to lose weight and follow a strict food fevers and exhausts himself a workout to get rid of excess weight. Obesity has become a serious phenomenon of public concern in many countries, and there were many ways and forms of weight loss for the prevention of obesity on the health risks that cause many cases of illness as a disease, heart disease, arthritis and circulatory problems and stroke. Site "100 Gesundheit stiff," said fifth-mail tips can be adopted to alleviate the weight permanently, without any strict diet or excessive change in the system of food and daily habits:
1. Eat slowly and chew well
Eating quickly increases the desire to continue eating, feeling of satiety and fullness of the stomach does not start until after about 20 minutes of a meal for the movement of information on the effect that "stomach fullness" to the brain. So try eating meals slowly and little consumption of food.
2. recognize the importance of carbohydrate-rich "health food"
Most diets recommend avoiding carbohydrate-rich meals, but very important, important choice of food rich in carbohydrates is essential for the body, for example wheat bread stays for a long time in the stomach and gives a sense of satiety. In addition, turning meals rich in carbohydrates from high blood sugar level quickly clog and excessive appetite.
3. a lot of drinking to tackle hunger
Can overcome hunger by drinking a glass of water or tea to fill the stomach. As well as diets rich fluids are essential to a healthy diet large size and provide few calories to calories.
4. Stay away from carbohydrates "harmful"
Food that contain high proportions of carbohydrates, such as white flour products, potatoes or rice, raise blood sugar levels excessively and does not give a sense of satiety, but for a short period, unlike the food that contain high proportions of whole grains, they are flying out of blood sugar levels slowly and give a sense of satiety for a long time.
5. Choose proper food and enjoy because they eat
Must not be neglected even enjoy eating through a healthy diet, choice of food, health and consciously enjoy cooking and preparing the meal and enjoy because they eat all the senses gives a feeling of happiness, and enhances the body's ability to also relieve the weight.
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