Watermelons are the perfect snack to cool on a hot summer day, but they can also help cleanse the body and help in weight loss. Watermelons are about 91% water and contains 6% sugar. You must also provide important nutrients: vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin B1 and B6, lycopene (an antioxidant), potassium and magnesium. In terms of calories, no watermelons not much of that 100 grams of watermelon translated about 30 calories.

Register for two types of watermelon diet, one that will point to a longer-term (9-13 days) and shorter, consisting of a 5-day diet plan works.

Register for two types of watermelon diet, one that will point to a longer-term (9-13 days) and shorter, consisting of a 5-day diet plan works.
Watermelon Eating long-term plan
There is a long-term plan, the watermelon is actually a detox diet, but it cuts calories, it is also an effective way to lose weight. This diet is easy to follow, even if, as with any diet, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a physician before following. Watermelon diet consists of two steps:
Level 1
The first phase is a single feed, in fact. In three days you have nothing else to eat watermelon. It restrictive both calories and nutrients, although from a healthy person should not be a problem because it only takes three days.
Level 2
The second phase is two meals a day are watermelon is used as a snack between them. This phase lasts between 6-10 days. It is not as restrictive as the first phase of the diet, but it offers little food diversity. We recommend that you follow this step for the minimum period, the means for 6 days.
Since water melons you have a lot of water, you can not feel, could drink the need to pure water. You should only drink water when you thirsty between meals and snacks.
- 1 bowl of cereal with whole milk
- A piece of cheese
- 2-3 slices of watermelon
- You can choose from the following options: grilled or boiled chicken (without skin), fish or lean meat without added fat.
- A salad of vegetables all you want. Dress how to use a few drops of olive oil and a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice.
- 2-3 slices of watermelon
Watermelon watermelon diet 5 days
This diet also has great detoxifying effect, but it only lasts five days and has a greater variety of food that eat the long-term water melon. The plan is effective, but only if you can not change his food.
This means you can not add extra calories.
Day 1
- A piece of watermelon
- A cup of coffee or green tea
- 150 grams of lean boiled beef
- 150 g of cooked rice
- A piece of watermelon
- 60 grams of cottage cheese
- A slice of bread
- A piece of watermelon
Day 2
- A piece of watermelon
- A slice of toast
- A cup of coffee or green tea
- 100 grams of boiled chicken without skin
- A slice of bread
- A piece of watermelon
- 100 grams of grilled fish (fish you want)
- 100 g of cooked rice
- 2 slices of watermelon
Day 3
- A piece of watermelon
- A slice of toast
- A cup of coffee or green tea
- 50 grams of pasta with tomato sauce
- 3 slices of watermelon
- Vegetable Salad
- As much as you like watermelon
Day 4
- 2 slices of watermelon
- 1 bowl of cream of broccoli soup (lid bring 3 cups broccoli and onion ½ water to the boil and puree with a blender or food processor salt to taste.)
- A slice of bread
- 2 slices of watermelon
- 3 medium apples ground (in the oven)
- 2 slices of watermelon
Day 5
- 3 slices of watermelon
- 150 grams of lean boiled beef
- As much as you like watermelon
- A slice of bread
- 60 grams of cottage cheese
- 3 slices of watermelon
Both long-term and short-term meal plans are really low calorie diet. If you do not have health problems watermelon diet will do you no harm. However, severe calorie restriction and small selection of food can make you prone to overeating when the diet is over. Once you try out this diet plan to integrate all the nutritious foods in your meals and at parts of normal size.
If you are engaged in this diet, you should keep your workout light. Since watermelon diet provides little calories, you may feel tired, dizzy and / or dizziness if you too intense your workout. If you experience these or other unpleasant symptoms, it is highly recommended that you stop this diet afterwards.
Even if you really watermelons that does not like the watermelon diet is right for you. There are many weight loss programs you can choose from so do not delay our section for diet plans to choose offer advice on weight loss!
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Watermelon diet is a good way to cleanse your body and lose weight quickly.
Watermelon is an exceptional diuretic - in addition watermelon diet for 5 days, your body cells detoxify start refreshed and rejuvenated.
If you are having a hard time on a raw food diet or need a guide you began to eat, to check the energy program that connects and e-courses for FREE Starter plan raw food has to.
But the raw food diet is easy to follow, because everything you need is the watermelon and the will! You should have a pound watermelon eating five times a day.
Feeding watermelon
It is recommended that a little less eating watermelon (about 3/4 pound five times a day), if you have high blood pressure, decreased circulation, kidney inflammation, gout, kidney or liver disease, or obesity.
Make sure your doctor before to consult them on a diet!
Watermelon diet and detox
Diuretics and dietary properties of watermelon have long been known. Professionals recommend eating only ripe watermelons because they contain most of the vitamins and minerals and less nitrates, which can poison your body.
Duration of the watermelon diet
This plan belongs to the group of extreme dieting single (if you have permission to eat only a single product). Due to the nature of the current period five days is not exceeded.
During this time you can control the amount of sodium in your organs to stabilize, and thus to remove excess fluid in the body and slag.
Ideally, you should try to eat a watermelon book for ten pounds of body weight.
Warning: This diet is not recommended for people with kidney stones, diabetes and pancreatic diseases.
If you begin to feel discomfort after the first day of the diet, immediately interrupt the power supply and contact your doctor if your condition worsens.
However, if you feel the other day diet bravely to the end.
You can lose up to 7 pounds in five days. Then put the lite version of this diet for another 10 days.
Watermelon diet menu light
Breakfast - 1 bowl of oatmeal with a slice of cheese.
Snack - £ 1 Water Melon
Lunch - 6 oz fish, beef or chicken with vegetable salad plate.
Dinner - Watermelon (£ 1 per 30 pounds of body weight).
After a total of two weeks of this delicious watermelon diet, you can lose up to 15 pounds! Try it - it's so delicious and so easy to follow!
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