Diet potatoes, is a smart idea and innovative ways to lose weight by eating
favorite foods, where it is known to all that eating potatoes are one of the
most frequent causes of weight gain. From here came the idea of The potato diet is easy and saturated diet works to
lose weight and remarkably fast.

Ali called the potato, in some Arab countries (potatoes), but sweet potatoes
are not intended here. Benefits of potatoes many, but what concerns us
mention here that the researchers have proved that eating boiled potatoes in
the water without any additives or salt is an extremely effective way to
lose weight and this is because the potato including materials to help
absorb the fat from the body,But the usual way of frying in oil prepared by adding salt and other additives, is causing the weight gain by filling your body with fat and grease, causing it to increase the problem.
Among the benefits of potatoes also they work to absorb toxins from the body
is to be beneficial for the heart, which contains potatoes, potassium,
calcium, iron and minerals such as copper and phosphorus, as well as rich in
vitamin C are so nutritious meal semi-integrated enables the body to get the
materials and the necessary elements to him and help to vital The activity
and this is what makes a healthy diet potato diet.
Potato diet to lose 5 kilos in a week and fast slimming dream:
Our story with potato diet begins with advertisement is fast weight loss by dreamers and lose easy access to films in a few days thanks to strict dieting diet called the potato.What is the diet potatoes? And how it works to lose weight? And do you really fulfill that promise allocating easy without effort? What is the damage to follow such a diet?
Answers to all these questions and more will be addressed in detail in the next lines.
- Diet boiled potatoes:
The basic lines of the system rolling potato diet is the following:
1 - potatoes, boiled potatoes are used without any additives or salt.
2 - Dieting for one week only.
3 - are relying on boiled potatoes fully addressed feeding throughout the first four days of the accursed.
4 - On the fifth day is eat a type of low-calorie vegetables or fruits.
5 - On the sixth day be eating fresh vegetables salad.
6 - On the seventh day is the meal includes a variety of semi-natural food ingredients in small quantities.
- Is there a diet or diet fries French fries?
The answer to this question is simply not; where to get used originally on the concept that potatoes lead to weight gain is due in a large proportion of it to the method of preparation and eating potato chips, canned both entrees were red with fast food or a dish of fried potatoes at home.
The problem is rooted in these ways to prepare potatoes:
- High content of oils and fats.
- Entry of salt in large quantities in the preparation.
- Distinctive taste stimulates eating large amounts of more than human need.
- Potato diet for weight loss mechanism:
Although most of us have heard before about the role of the potato in the weight gain, but this is evident when we look at a diet potatoes system details; where we find that the intended potatoes boiled potatoes here are free from any salt or other additives.
From here it is clear that the use of diet potato mechanism slimming depends on the following themes:
1 - Potatoes are a rich source of carbohydrates, which supplies the body with energy throughout the day.
2 - potatoes contain natural fiber content helps the feeling of satiety and fullness next to regulate bowel movement.
3 - boiled potatoes without additions have less taste always preferable, which helps to adjust the amounts ingested.
- What a potato diet of damage:
1 - potato diet temporary way to lose weight once you stop back the lost weight.
2 - potato diet with a significant shortfall in the amounts of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
3 - Adoption of diet on one type of food a distinctive taste of others is a difficult and tiresome often.
4 - If you do not adjust the amount of potatoes daily under the supervision of a physician supervisor can accumulate calories of potato which leads to weight gain, not loss.
5 - potato-free diet with adequate protein sources to meet the daily needs of the body.
- Does diet potatoes down 3 to 4 km in a week?
Can someone who has followed the diet potatoes thoroughly that already lose 2-4 kilos in just one week, but this is the maximum loss of weight; where does not allow that person to continue on this cruel Dieting for more than 7 days, because of the health complications dangerous because defect vitamins, minerals and protein levels in the body.
- What alternatives potato diet to lose weight fast?
Healthy alternative to potato diet is to follow a long-term and gradual weight loss plan balanced diet program plug-and moderate in calories ratios include according to the need of the person in parallel with a regular exercise program that works to burn excess fat in the body.
When the conditions necessary to follow the Diet:
Terms Dieting is limited to the need for attendance to continue to follow
the diet for a period of not less than 3 days, whatever the temptations, and
on the other side may not continue to follow the diet for more than 7 days,
whatever the reasons and motives, but are advised to follow a diet or a diet
last and of course all it must be under the supervision of a specialist
doctor or dietitian. As for the result of dieting, a person can follow
through potato diet to lose between 4 and 5 kilograms at the end of the week
if they go to follow the Diet Ali and optimize it without amendment.
How to prepare potatoes in the Diet:
With regard to the method used in the preparation of potatoes Diet, as
mentioned earlier is what we mean by boiled potatoes with water without salt
or any other additives in any amount, and are handling them until full
without overeating.
Potato diet program:
Today I, II, III and IV
During the first four days of the diet are eating potatoes boiled potatoes
mentioned above in its own way, and only when hungry and distribution
throughout the day, in addition to yoghurt, preferably low-fat skimmed.
The fifth day
On the fifth day of the Diet are allowed to eat only one type of vegetable
or fruit throughout the day with a note:
Vegetables are prohibited in this day:
Potatoes, potatoes and sweet corn.
Forbidden fruit in this day of the Diet:
Mango, grapes, figs, bananas, dates, wet and cream.
The sixth day
During the sixth day of the Diet, power must be addressed, preferably
lettuce and spinach to high ability to burn fat and can add a sprinkle of
olive oil.
Today's seventh and final
On the seventh day, and the last of the Diet are allowed to eat potatoes:
potatoes + boiled egg + vegetables + fruit + glass of skimmed milk or
Tips and allowances and prohibitions by following the diet potatoes:
1 stressed repeatedly the importance of water to clean the body and remove
toxins in the water and the benefits of slimming and must therefore be
through diet or any diet potatoes last eat at least 2 liters of water on a
daily basis, even after the completion of the Diet.
2-advised to follow the Diet through drinking green tea, and to identify
further advised Ali: benefits of green tea.
3 also advised to drink laxatives.
4 must refrain from eating sugar or sweetener does, and need to be using a
sweetener. Sugar substitutes secured the stomach to diet.
5 must also refrain from eating or use of salt in food for its ability to
increase the weight of the body where he urges the body to store water, and
the need must be used as little as possible.
6 is also advised to drink beverages scorching fat such as feverfew and
other hot drinks, and more information is advised to know the slimming herb
that works to melt the fat and herbs medical help to slim.
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