Banana diet .. diet fast free from stress and deprivation
Banana diet came from Japan each of follow traditional diets to renew the concept of diet and helps you lose weight, low-calorie and other benefits ..
Many people talking about the latest diet types who grew up in Japan, which "must experience" according to some where diet is fast bananas, stress-free, and the dream of every haters usual diet. So in this article we will talk about all possible inquiries about this new diet
Lose excess weight easily with a diet of bananas ..
Banana diet specifically Japan Asian origin.
This diet encourages you to eat your fruits and be aware of the level of hunger and satiety have it help you lose weight because you are simply dealing with fewer calories, without strict diets or calorie account until you reach the stage where your body does not gain excess weight easily.
This diet encourages you to eat your fruits and be aware of the level of hunger and satiety have it help you lose weight because you are simply dealing with fewer calories, without strict diets or calorie account until you reach the stage where your body does not gain excess weight easily.
All you need to know about the diet of bananas
- Eat a banana at least a day (breakfast):
-Choose Fresh bananas and avoid freezer
- Eat the number that you want if you do not prefer bananas you can replace another type of fruit.
-If You want to eat something else beside banana wait 15-30 minutes after eating bananas
- Prefer to eat rice (Japanese food) to get early results.
-Choose Fresh bananas and avoid freezer
- Eat the number that you want if you do not prefer bananas you can replace another type of fruit.
-If You want to eat something else beside banana wait 15-30 minutes after eating bananas
- Prefer to eat rice (Japanese food) to get early results.
- I drink water from time to time:
Must drink a glass of water at room temperature in the morning with a banana.
You can eat any drink at least another after 15-30 minutes a day, a specific rule for the amount of water needed daily There addressed only addressed constantly.
You can also get water from food Bananas, for example, contain 70% of the water needed by the body, the body's need for water by the nature of the food you eat and the temperature and humidity, and the exercises and the effort is changing daily.
So no need to care for the amount of water that covered those are the correct way.
Stay away from soft drinks because it will make you feel more hungry.
You can eat any drink at least another after 15-30 minutes a day, a specific rule for the amount of water needed daily There addressed only addressed constantly.
You can also get water from food Bananas, for example, contain 70% of the water needed by the body, the body's need for water by the nature of the food you eat and the temperature and humidity, and the exercises and the effort is changing daily.
So no need to care for the amount of water that covered those are the correct way.
Stay away from soft drinks because it will make you feel more hungry.
- Eat what you want for lunch and dinner:
You want to eat the quantity you want, but be careful not to completely fill your stomach so as to give an opportunity for the stomach to rest, so I have to stop when you feel full by 80%. If you want quick results of Japanese food is rice is especially preferable.
- Allows a light meal:
There is no problem in eating snacks a day but eating one type of day.
We recommend chocolate or fruit, but played down the ice cream and dairy products as much as possible.
We recommend chocolate or fruit, but played down the ice cream and dairy products as much as possible.
- Eat dinner early:
The main reason for excess weight is eat dinner late in the night, even if you followed all the previous rules, dinner late spoil diet where makes goes to bed and your stomach is still working you can not get a quiet and restful sleep, which makes you a permanent fatigue and thus affect the case your body and makes you prone to gain weight easily.
The best time to eat dinner is the eighth time and should not be taken after that.
The best time to eat dinner is the eighth time and should not be taken after that.
Avoid eating sweetener after dinner:
If I felt hungry after dinner drink a little water first and if I keep feeling hungry you can eat one type of fruit.
I make sure to chew food well to facilitate the process of digestion.
I make sure to chew food well to facilitate the process of digestion.
- Go to sleep before midnight:
This usually make permanent Sleeping enough save you from stress and makes you lose excess weight easily. Without good sleep banana diet not be effective.
If you are working at night, try changing your lifestyle your health is more important than work and if you can not sleep early, move your arms and legs and head in a circular motion and breathe deeply to reduce stress and help you relax.
Read also the best slimming ways without diet
If you are working at night, try changing your lifestyle your health is more important than work and if you can not sleep early, move your arms and legs and head in a circular motion and breathe deeply to reduce stress and help you relax.
Read also the best slimming ways without diet
- Waking up without an alarm:
Many of those who applied the tips diet of bananas to get enough sleep, wake up before it kicks off bell alarm clock, if you do not need to alarm is better to sleep until you wake up naturally wake up with the alarm clock puts the brain under a lot of stress, which in turn affects the large intestine movement by virtue of the relationship strong between the brain and the gut
Upon waking from sleep keen to breathe fresh air because the room is filled with carbon dioxide during sleep.
- Exercise when you feel you really want to exercise, do not practice a sport that bother you:
If your weight is a big plus and is far from the ideal weight you can hurt your knees if violently sport practiced for a long time.
March appropriate sport and you stay away from the violent sport, may not seem that sport Statistics burn calories but even move your arms in the air contributes to weight loss.
Upon waking from sleep keen to breathe fresh air because the room is filled with carbon dioxide during sleep.
- Exercise when you feel you really want to exercise, do not practice a sport that bother you:
If your weight is a big plus and is far from the ideal weight you can hurt your knees if violently sport practiced for a long time.
March appropriate sport and you stay away from the violent sport, may not seem that sport Statistics burn calories but even move your arms in the air contributes to weight loss.
- What to do if multiplied to eat?
Take a rest until the next day and do not in any calisthenics, let your members to get rid of internal fatigue to facilitate weight loss process, perhaps earn 1 or 2 kg temporarily but soon your weight back to the original after adequate rest and return to the diet.
Benefits of the banana diet to lose weight:
Bananas contain enzymes that stimulate digestion and reduce necessary for digestion in the intestine time which improves the metabolism and helps in weight loss.
Bananas are a rich source of starch which has the look of fullness and prevent you from eating a lot in addition to its role in increasing the body's ability to burn fat.
Eating fruit with water improves bowel movement.
Eat dinner early and reduce snacks allowed to finalize the process of digestion before going to sleep.
About half of the fiber in bananas soluble fiber so when you reach your digestive system absorbs water and slows the digestive process, forcing food to stay in your stomach longer you feel fuller longer.
Bananas are a rich source of starch which has the look of fullness and prevent you from eating a lot in addition to its role in increasing the body's ability to burn fat.
Eating fruit with water improves bowel movement.
Eat dinner early and reduce snacks allowed to finalize the process of digestion before going to sleep.
About half of the fiber in bananas soluble fiber so when you reach your digestive system absorbs water and slows the digestive process, forcing food to stay in your stomach longer you feel fuller longer.
Banana diet .. what its effectiveness?
Banana diet is a good way to improve the physical condition too, but that does not mean you can do whatever you want after eating bananas in the morning, so if you do not lose weight, it means that you do not apply the basic rules as we mentioned before.
This diet focuses on the time needed to give the stomach to rest after eating the more time off the intestine, the more improved and jobs, which is reflected on physical health.
This diet focuses on the time needed to give the stomach to rest after eating the more time off the intestine, the more improved and jobs, which is reflected on physical health.
Is banana diet, stay away from depression?
Already protects the bananas from depression where bananas raises the mood and improve including contents of amino acids known Balthriptovan and entering the brain with the help of carbohydrates found in bananas and increase the production of serotonin, which improves mood.
Is banana diet fastest way for slimming?
There is no doubt that the diet of bananas a quick way to lose weight, but only if you follow the rules previously mentioned, which also helps you to get a healthy body does not easily gain weight and makes you feel full when eating food amounts less than what I used to eat it.
Banana diet for pregnant women:
Banana diet for a pregnant woman is no different from a normal diet you do not deprive yourself of any food, but the organization of your nerve system. Bananas mycosis is a very important food for pregnant women, especially for children, including the contents:
- Vitamin B-6, which plays an important role in your child's growth, especially the nervous system as it helps in growth and in the formation of neurotransmitters.
- Potassium: Reduces unit rate and muscle contractions and helps reduce the natural swelling during pregnancy, but be careful if the swelling increased dramatically, which may be the indicator of the likelihood of pre-eclampsia.
Reduce morning sickness and diarrhea because it contains a large proportion of the fibers.
- Vitamin B-6, which plays an important role in your child's growth, especially the nervous system as it helps in growth and in the formation of neurotransmitters.
- Potassium: Reduces unit rate and muscle contractions and helps reduce the natural swelling during pregnancy, but be careful if the swelling increased dramatically, which may be the indicator of the likelihood of pre-eclampsia.
Reduce morning sickness and diarrhea because it contains a large proportion of the fibers.
Risks banana diet:
The danger of the diet of bananas to eat very large quantities of bananas more than your body can afford it, it handled large quantities of bananas can lead to damage such as:
1. Headache: eat lots of bananas more than your body can afford cause headaches because bananas contain a certain amino acids cause neovascularization.
2. The tendency to sleep: Bananas contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which is getting entry into the brain cells with the help of carbohydrates found in bananas, increasing tryptophan in the brain helps to increase the production of serotonin and other incentives to sleep. Bananas also contains magnesium, which causes muscle relaxant which helps to sleep.
3. Increase the proportion of potassium in the blood can happen when dealing with more than 12 bananas in a short period of time and cause nausea slow pulse irregular heart rate.
4. damaged Nerves: Bananas contain vitamin B6, vitamin B-6 is useful in the normal dose, but when you increase the dose can lead to damage to the nerves, but it is rare, but if you eat more than 100 bananas a day, if you take a lot of bananas a day I felt a tingling sensation should stop eating bananas for a few days.
5. tooth decay: like any other food that contains sugar, eat a lot of bananas can cause damage to the teeth.
6. fat deficiency: banana contains no fat, which some consider the best for losing weight, but the fat in the food necessary for the growth of the brain and better health so it is best to add food that contains fat to your meal, such as peanut and almond butter.
7. lack of proteins: Bananas contain a small amount of proteins needed to build the body.
How you live now not only affect your weight in, but also affecting the health of your skin and your body in the coming months and now the banana diet makes you enjoy a healthy life now and throughout life
1. Headache: eat lots of bananas more than your body can afford cause headaches because bananas contain a certain amino acids cause neovascularization.
2. The tendency to sleep: Bananas contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which is getting entry into the brain cells with the help of carbohydrates found in bananas, increasing tryptophan in the brain helps to increase the production of serotonin and other incentives to sleep. Bananas also contains magnesium, which causes muscle relaxant which helps to sleep.
3. Increase the proportion of potassium in the blood can happen when dealing with more than 12 bananas in a short period of time and cause nausea slow pulse irregular heart rate.
4. damaged Nerves: Bananas contain vitamin B6, vitamin B-6 is useful in the normal dose, but when you increase the dose can lead to damage to the nerves, but it is rare, but if you eat more than 100 bananas a day, if you take a lot of bananas a day I felt a tingling sensation should stop eating bananas for a few days.
5. tooth decay: like any other food that contains sugar, eat a lot of bananas can cause damage to the teeth.
6. fat deficiency: banana contains no fat, which some consider the best for losing weight, but the fat in the food necessary for the growth of the brain and better health so it is best to add food that contains fat to your meal, such as peanut and almond butter.
7. lack of proteins: Bananas contain a small amount of proteins needed to build the body.
How you live now not only affect your weight in, but also affecting the health of your skin and your body in the coming months and now the banana diet makes you enjoy a healthy life now and throughout life
Banana Diet and milk to burn fat
Banana Diet
Dieting Plan
Eat bananas 3 a day, drink 3 cups of skim milk.
You can put the banana slices in milk to make delicious fruit cocktail.
Eat 1 kg of bananas per day allowed. Green tea and water are a must.
This diet will help you lose 1 kg per day. , You may feel you are hungry at some point
- At this stage you can eat oatmeal or a small piece of boiled chicken. If you are
Need some energy allows a small cup of coffee (no sugar).
The benefits of a diet food involves improving digestion, promote a feeling of fullness to contain bananas on a very high amount of starch, fiber and potassium, as well as vitamin B6, also limits the body's absorption of specific types of carbohydrates.
Can not continue on this system more than a week
Then followed by a diet of 800 calories to 1000 graded price
Until it is maintaining the weight lost
And refer to the banana diet again after 2 weeks of follow-calorie diet
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